Puerto Rico Shipping Association
Asociación de Navieros de Puerto Rico
The Puerto Rico Shipping Association was founded in 1970. Following its inception, the association has grown to comprise a group of 28 companies dedicated to numerous sectors of the maritime business. Its tasks have expanded to include the representation of its membership in various socio-economic forums, as well as acting as a clearing house for numerous maritime-related initiatives.
During the past several years, the association has focused on improving port productivity, reducing operating costs and maintaining San Juan as the premier cruise ship home port in the Caribbean. The PRSA provides a forum for discussion on legislation, tourism development, ports, safety, security and other maritime industry issues.
Our History
Asociación de Navieros de Puerto Rico
The Puerto Rico Shipping Association (PRSA) is a non-profit organization established in 1970, to facilitate the development and growth of the marine industry in Puerto Rico. Following its inception, the PRSA has grown to comprise a group of 28 companies dedicated to numerous sectors of the maritime industry such as shipping agents, terminal operators, shipping lines, vessel operators, charterers, tug and salvage companies, stevedoring companies, bunkering services, port authorities and others.
The primary purpose of the PRSA is to assist its members in the study and solution of common problems that directly or indirectly affect the maritime activity in the island. In performing this role, the PRSA is involved in areas such as:
The collective bargaining agreements with the unions that affect the ports of Puerto Rico
Negotiations with the Pilots Associations including the maritime traffic control.
Negotiations in tariffs, taxes and other duties imposed on the industry whether they are from the Ports Authority, Legislative Assembly, Federal Agencies or the Government of Puerto Rico.
Representation of its members in various forums and associations such as the Caribbean Shipping Association, Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce, Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association, The Private Sector Coalition of Puerto Rico and other pertinent groups, congresses and organizations.
PRSA’s tasks have expanded to include the representation of its membership in various socio-political forums, as well as acting as a clearing house for numerous maritime-related initiatives.It is directed by the Board of Directors: Hernán F. Ayala Rubio, President, Eduardo Pagan, Vice President, María Del mar Rodríguez , Secretary,Clarivette Diaz , Treasurer, José O. Busto, Immediate Past President and Ramón Umpierre, Executive Director. There are a number of Permanent Committees to which current problems are assigned.During the past several years, the association has focused on improving port productivity, reducing operating costs and maintaining San Juan as the premier cruise ship home port in the Caribbean.The Puerto Rico Shipping Association is an active member of the PR Manufacturers’ Association, the PR Chamber of Commerce, the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association, The Private Sector Coalition of Puerto Rico, National Maritime Safety Association and the Caribbean Shipping Association.
Our Mission
Asociación de Navieros de Puerto Rico
The Puerto Rico Shipping Association mission is to represent the interests of its members in maximizing the efficiency, cost competitiveness, safety and quality of marine cargo operations in the ports of Puerto Rico.
PRSA will accomplish this mission:
Through negotiation of fair collective bargaining agreements with the various maritime workers unions;
Through effective implementation of those collective bargaining agreements; and judicious management of the various funds created thereunder;
Through strong advocacy of our members interests in the public, government and business communities;
Through close collaboration with other maritime and maritime-related organizations who share common interests;
Through partnering with public agencies tasked with the improvement of the region’s transportation system, and
Through frequent communications with members to insure that their interests are well served.
Our Vision
Asociación de Navieros de Puerto Rico
To be the premier professional service organization in the maritime industry, supporting secure, growing ports across Puerto Rico, with a professional and economic labor force, efficiently moving cargo in sustainable harbors flourishing with natural resources.
Letter from our President
Clarivette Díaz Sosa
Welcome to Puerto Rico Shipping Association!
Fifty years ago, our founding members had a great vision, creating an association that would house Puerto Rico’s maritime industry companies to work on crucial issues in our trade. Today we appreciate that grand vision. Puerto Rico imports more than 80% of its goods, we recognize how vital this industry is to our daily lives, and we try to carry out our job with a high sense of responsibility. At PRSA, we have more than 29 companies committed to serving our island with the highest service standards. We work hand in hand with agencies, both federal and state, promoting and enforcing the safety protocols and regulations that govern our industry. The diversity of our membership is extensive, and we represent domestic and international carriers, stevedoring and terminal operators, shipping and cruise line tug agents, barge operators, and other industry service organizations. As an Association, we represent our members in different forums of interest, both local and international. We are part of various alliances trying to insert ourselves in the country’s discussion on the economic development of Puerto Rico.
Being the first woman to lead the Puerto Rico Shipping Association in its fiftieth-anniversary, I am pleased to see the inclusion that we have achieved over the years and the opportunities we have in this industry that has so immensely helped us. I know that I can contribute as an example for the generations to come, and I accept the challenge by taking on this new role with dynamism and responsibility.
And last but not least, we acknowledge our duty and responsibility to the communities we serve. Our association carries out philanthropic work with non-profit organizations, faith communities, and our people, which has become one of our organization’s engines. We are proud of each of our members and the work our maritime industry personnel does on the island. That is why we proudly say #somosnavieros.